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A River Experience

The Chapel setting integrates the forests, the rocks, and The River - there is a view from the northeast window.  Westminster Park and many of the communities that began in the Thousand Islands were religious groups on summer retreats.  There was originally a "Cathedral" in Westminster Park built in 1878 on Mt. Beulah for religious services.  The original chapel was replaced by a second church near the hotel property (so people would not have to walk up the hill!)  In the 1950s that building was dismantled. 


Westminster Park never became as densely populated as originally planned.  Perhaps this was just as well. The current chapel that seats only about six people. Instead of a religious focus, the interior is dominated by a wood statue of an American Indian carved by the late Carmen D'Avino.  The Chapel was a personal project of residents Randy and Mary Hannah Arnot, donated to the community, intended not so much for religious services as for individual reflection and meditation.

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